Ken Hill
Ken lives in Glensfork, KY with his wife of 36 years, Vickie, a retired school teacher, and their son, Jake, who currently attends Adair County High School. Ken has been a licensed Real Estate Agent for nearly 20 years, although he has served in many different roles during that time.
Ken is a retired Kentucky State Police Lieutenant, who served the great folks of Adair and surrounding counties for over 20 years, retiring in 2007. In 2005 Ken, Vickie and Jake bought the old Hardscratch Country Store where he cooked a lot of catfish for 9 years.
Ken has served as an investigator and Executive Director for the Kentucky Board of Auctioneers, and he is currently a Board Approved Instructor, teaching CE and Pre-license classes across the Commonwealth.
For the past 3 year Ken has worked full-tome and overtime as a Real Estate Sales Associate and Principal Auctioneer, and has been on of the top producers in the area, with over $16 million in total sales in 2020 and 2021. He credits his wife, Vickie, who serves as his Personal Assistant, with keeping him organized, focused, and on track.
When he is not selling real estate Ken is an avid outdoorsman, half-marathoner, and 18th century reenactor, portraying various Kentucky Pioneers at State Parks and sharing his passion for history with the younger generation in Adair County classrooms.